More Bad Health News

Hello readers and friends.

Just an update on my health. I now have pneumonia or as the doc called it, walking pneumonia (if it is pneumonia, can’t they just call it that? Ok, I know it is a severity thing, but still… anyway). I spent most of yesterday evening (Monday) and into the early morning this morning (Tuesday) in the ER. It didn’t seem like the antibiotics was helping the bronchitis much, my chest was feeling heavy and the coughing… god the coughing.. I think I’ve pulled a muscle in my back from it. Anyway, x-rays confirm that yes, I do have pneumonia. I am mostly on bed rest, more antibiotics, fluids.. yadda yadda. I am very tired and weak. I’ve slept 90% of today and will likely be back in bed soon. I have to go to my PCP on Friday for a check-up to see if the status of the pneumonia is getting better or worse.

What does this mean for my story Seeing You? It will still continue, just as soon as I am well enough. I was going to try to work on through and complete the last 4 parts, but I’ve decided to just get better first. The ending IS coming though. Give me a few days of constant rest and I will get the ending written. For those who haven’t read the story yet, this would be a good time to catch up, perhaps? *smiles*

Thank you all for your constant appreciation of my work and for being such loyal readers and friends. Much love ~Lori~